May 2020
The Mother's Day Collection
"Celebrating a mélange of passé and présent.

We have been so touched to hear from so many of you during this otherwise dismal time, called quarantine. While we very well may be spending a multitude of dinners at home, and life may seem more monotonous with each passing day, we hope that you have been able to slow down and reconnect with not only yourself but with your loved ones. More importantly, we hope that you are staying healthy and well.
Many of you have reached out and asked how we may be able to assist in bringing a little bit of extra cheer into your homes and onto your tabletops at this somber time. After all, birthdays and holidays will not be skipped, they will merely be spent at home. Some of you have simply taken the extra time to spruce up the contents of your cabinets and add some of our new-found treasures. I have always said that breaking out the colored glassware is like dressing your tabletop with jewelry, and if a colored goblet brings such joy, why deprive yourself of such effortless satisfaction?
We have curated a collection of both vintage and new glassware for Mother’s Day. It is a true ‘mélange of passé and présent’, mixing the best of both old and new. We have additionally sourced some vintage teacups and saucers to compliment the collection.
We are offering complimentary delivery in both the Fairfield and Westchester counties and will continue to donate 25% of all spring proceeds, made to date, and moving forward, towards Coronavirus relief efforts.
We are wishing all the moms out there a very Happy Mother's Day and want to thank our customers for their continued support and enthusiasm. It brings us much satisfaction knowing that we have created a genuine fan base who have a keen interest in our curated collections.
To browse the full collection, click the link below: